What should I be for Halloween? This question comes up every year. I know you’re thinking, “Hey, Todd you’re too old to dress up or Halloween!” But everytime I celebrate Halloween, by dressing up, or going to a party or going out with kids to trick or treat or giving out candy at the door or carving pumpkins or . . . I have a good time with my friends, family, neighbors, etc. What is not to like?
Last year I was a wizard, with a long beard and a hat and a cape. People did not recognize me because of the beard. Year before I was the “tin man” from the Wizard of Oz, etc. It is a challenge to come up with something creative, comfortable and cool. J
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Some of the following may be the reasons:
- You don’t get off work for it (there are no crazy expectations)
- No presents need to be bought (just buy some candy)
- No family comes to visit (less stressful)
- You get to dress up (this can be a little stressful for some, but really keep it simple)
- It’s the first holiday in the holiday season
I hope you enjoy the festivities!!!